Happy New Year everyone!
As this is my final newsletter, I sit here reflecting on the past two years as your Commodore, on all the great times spent with everyone, the bumps along the way and how we got through them, not to mention all the great projects that we accomplished together to improve and enhance our club, as well as the ones still to come.

Being in this position can be very challenging as it involves a lot of decision making that may not always appease everyone. It’s a balance between being in a leadership role and navigating friendships. The two can certainly take a toll on relationships that have evolved along the way. It is my only hope that all of you can separate the two.
When I accepted this position I didn’t realize how demanding it would be. It’s a full time job in itself that requires a lot of time and sacrifice and it doesn’t come with a salary. However, it may not pay monetarily but, with a lot of perseverance and patience, it can also be very rewarding. Not only have I learned a lot but I continue to learn from this experience, I’m more confident now not only in myself, but as a leader.
Having said that, this is not a one person job. The officers and board members play equal roles. I could not have done this without all of their support. We’ve witnessed many upgrades and changes both inside and outside, as well as how the club is being operated. The club was at a standstill and our profits were very little especially during Covid. We needed consistency and some sort of management if you will, to move forward in the right direction. This is by no means meant to make anyone uncomfortable and I hope you all understand we are not trying to operate a business, as many of you have expressed. We've made some much needed aesthetic upgrades as well as upgrades needed to comply with safety regulations.
I definitely would like to give credit where credit is due: Deb Legas, Bob Helwig, and Peg and Mike Lochner for whom without, AYC would not be where we are today. They devote countless hours cooking, cleaning, remodeling, maintaining the kitchen, event planning, bartending, among many other things. They do not improvise and they try their best to accommodate all of us the best they can. Also to Sean O'Neill, who helped me tremendously with his knowledge of all the insurance procedures, rental protocol and many other areas that were so important to navigate.
I encourage you to get involved, be kind and patient as we maneuver through the growing pains. Look how far we’ve come! Some may not agree with me and some will. I feel we are moving in the right direction and it takes all of us as members to work together to come to a common ground to keep our “family” together and succeed.
I most definitely could not have done this demanding position alone, and I have the utmost appreciation and thanks to my fellow officers and board members for their input and guidance they all gave me the past two years, as well as countless members who were always willing to help as well. It was definitely a team effort the whole way. We are very fortunate to have such a wealth of knowledge and experience within the membership. I’ve held many positions here since we became members. It wasn’t on my radar. However I have no regrets.
One special person that I most certainly need to Thank is my lovely wife, Michelle. There were many times she gave me guidance and direction that I could not find within myself. I truly appreciate all of her patience, sacrifice and understanding these past few years more than she knows.
In closing, I’d just like to say that change is inevitable, I truly believe in order to have growth we have to have change. Try not to resist change, but rather embrace it!
It has been quite a ride and I’d like to express my sincere gratitude for the opportunity. If you don’t know already, I’m leaving you in excellent hands. It is my pleasure to welcome Mike Lochner as your new Commodore! THANK YOU ALL!!